Search for "HUNGARY" returned 16 matches

Nations in Transit 2018 – Hungary Country report - Reports

The “Nations in Transit” report on Hungary by Freedom House (2018) provides an overview of the country’s democratic institutions, including a section devoted to independent media 

Pluralism under attack: the assault on press freedom in Poland - Reports

Poland has recently emerged as a crucial battleground in the attempt by authoritarian-minded leaders to gain control over political discourse and erode media pluralism

Defamation and Insult Laws in the OSCE Region: A Comparative Study - Reports

This study examines the existence and the subsequent implementation of criminal defamation and insult laws in the territory of the 57 participating States of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

Insights and trends in antisemitic online hate speech - Reports

Get the Trolls Out! is a project aimed to monitoring antisemitic hate speech in Europe. This report reveals the subtle rhetorical tricks that are typically employed to brainwash the public into hating and discriminating against Jewish people

Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources - Reports

A new extensive report on the Protection of Journalistic Sources drafted by the International Legal Research Group and published by the Council of Europe and ELSA